We acclaim the willingness of OEBS to reconsider the complaints

Sarajevo Aug 10, 1997

Socialists in Brcko

Brčko, 9 August, 1997(AIM) - " We acclaim the decision of the Election Subcommission for Appeals of OEBS in Sarajevo to reconsider complaints of citizens of Brcko who did not register, since 3 270 rejected complaints represents 15 percent of the voters in Brcko. Another meeting will be held in Sarajevo on the 15th of August, which will be attended by all judges of the Election Sub-commission for Appeals in addition to members of the local Election Commission, and where the complaints of the citizens will be discussed", said Mr. Petar Dokic, the president of the Municipal Board of the RS Socialist Party (OO SP RS) in Brcko, who participated in the talks with Mr. Robert Frovick, Head of the OEBS Mission in B&H.

He emphasized that the arguments presented by RS representatives were high in quality and based on the facts, commenting that based on this "it was noticed that the mistake was made and that it has to be corrected in the interest of protecting the rights of all citizens".

" If these people are not registered in Brcko, where they live and where they intend to stay, that would mean that there exist citizens with privileges and second-rate citizens", stated Mr. Dokic.(end)
