Expectancies and occasional answer

Sarajevo Aug 10, 1997

B&H economists in Malaysia

Sarajevo, 09 August, 1997 (AIM) - Who of the members of the Ministry Council leaves for Kuala Lumpur, who is coming from RS to represent the state in these talks (beside Mr. Boro Bosic, co-presiding of the Minister Council), which advancements were made in the building the B&H state which would give guarantees to Malaysian investors

  • are some of the questions posed during the press conference of
    Mr. Haris Silajdzic, co-presiding of the B&H Minister Council, today, which were not answered.

Speaking about these meetings which will come as a continuation of the yesterday's forum on commercial and industrial collaboration of Malaysian and B&H companies, Mr. Siladzic said that B&H could even overcome its technical - technological lag caused by the war.

" The age of drawing the borders using our own blood is behind us, we are now an European country and we must try to respond to the requirement of the future time. The new culture, the revolution of informatics, "Internet economy", are only few of many challenges for B&H. We can not stay a big hole, B&H must reintegrate, become an economical region. Malaysia is a regional success, it is a country developing based upon foreign investments and we must use experience of this country. B&H has large principal capital in form of education, knowledge, talent, well-educated youth", Mr.Silajdzic explained all benefits for B&H which could be result of these meetings.

Mr. Silajdºiå particularly emphasized the opportunities which would appear as a consequence of the opening of the Malaysian project for B&H " Multimedia supercorridor", the project which was promoted by Mr. Mahatir, their Prime Minister, in Japan, USA and Great Britain. This is a project involving mass or global communication, some sort of Malaysian silicon valley, worth 30 billion USD. The physical foundation of this project will be areas around Kuala Lumpur. (end)