More unified than ever

Sarajevo Aug 8, 1997

Serb Democratic Party denies division

Banjaluka, 8 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mr.Miro Mlaðenoviå, spokesman of Serb Democratic Party (SDS) denied the alleged division within the party at the press conference today.

"There is no particular reason for holding this press conference, but we want to cancel the SDS curse, that we are closed for independent media and that there is a division within the party", said Mr. Mladenovic and added that they were more unified than ever before.

Mr. Mlaðenoviå emphasized that " numerous people expect SDS to fall apart in order to give opportunity to those who want to subjugate SDS to the unprincipled interests of international community" "The current activities of SDS are activation of local boards of the party, over 1000 of them" said Mr. Mladenovic and further emphasized that SDS would consistently execute their program and fulfill their promises to the people.

Responding to the question about the announcement of certain media that RS president would found her own party, Mr. Mladenovic underlined that he did not oppose that idea and that the most of the personnel in the opposition parties was previously member of SDS, hence it was normal that people joined and left the party. He also denied the alleged information about personal changes in the city board of SDS.

Mr. Momčilo Bulajiå, member of the Main board of SDS, announced the information that the number of SDS members was increasing every day. "Just yesterday 300 new members approached the party, while we have 16.000 members and 57 local boards in Banjaluka" said Mr. Bulajic.(end)