Elections- exiting the state of one party rule

Sarajevo Aug 8, 1997

Party of Independent Social Democrats RS (SNSD RS)

Banjaluka, 8 August, 1997 (AIM) - "The Party of Independent Social Democrats RS (SNSD RS) started its election campaign in 12 RS municipalities, and the best results are expected in the municipalities Laktaþi, Srbac, Gradiþka and Pelagiåevo", said Mr.Milorad Dodik, president of SNSD RS on the press conference in Banjaluka today.

Mr. Dodik emphasized that he expected that Mr. Holbrooke's visit would solve all dilemmas with respect to the situation in RS, and that he would support president Plavsic.

Mr. Krstan Simiå, head of the list for the Coalition "For Banjaluka" and the member of the top circles of the party, said that the RS Constitutional Court was not authorized to decide about the validity of decisions made by president Plavsic. "If the decision passed by the court was anything but legal, that would be the strongest kick of RS and would mean returning to the system of the state ruled by one party, in the case of which , we, opposition parties, should boycott local elections", said Mr. Simic.

Mr.Nenad Baþtinac, member of the Main board of the party, said that scheduling the sessions of the Assembly, only gives a false image that the Assembly functions legally. "For us, the Assembly is dismissed, and the only possible solution is democratic elections", emphasized Mr. Bastinac.(end)