Mr. Maksimoviå candidate for RS president

Sarajevo Aug 8, 1997

Mr. Mauzer about strategy of SDS

Bijeljina, 8 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Ljubisa Savic Mauzer, Former member of the dismissed RS Assembly and leader of Democratic party, announced today that Mr. Aleksa Buha, executive president of SDS, confirmed in the conversation with the members of party who were members of previous assembly that the decision of the RS Constitutional Court was already known and that it would deny decisions of Mrs. Plavsic about the dismissal of Assembly. Mr. Buha said, according to Mr. Mauzer, that after such a decision of the Constitutional Court was passed, they would pursue an amendment to the Constitution, whereby it would be possible to relieve Mrs. Plavsic of her duty, and that the candidate for RS president was already known - current chief of the SDS Member Club, Mr. Vojislav Maksimovic. "It is clear that they are ready to deepen the agony of RS and its nation, by any means" said Mr. Mauzer and supported his statement with the fact that four prisoners were freed from the jail in Srbinje and two from jail in Bijeljina. "The people let out of the jail are prisoners convicted for serious criminal offenses including armed robberies and murders, they are let out of the jail to carry out physical settlement of issues with the political opposition of the group in power, and to spread fear and terror. Financial resources, vehicles and political-legal protection of the top level officials of the current regime" said Mr. Mauzer.(end)