ENG:Successful mission of Holbrooke
Successful mission of Holbrooke
***Ambassador Agreement reached
Sarajevo, 08 August, 1997.(AIM) - Last night, in the presence of Mr. Richard Holbrooke, special USA envoy, B&H Presidency reached an agreement with respect to appointing the B&H ambassadors. Mr. Tom Leary, spokesman of the USA embassy, emphasized that Bosnian Serbs, in accordance with the agreement, got the ambassador in USA, although Mr. Alija Izetbegovic, Presiding of the B&H Presidency, requested the stay of the current ambassador, Mr. Sven Alkalaj, who does not belong to any of the major ethnic groups in B&H.. The agreement contains the article which states that Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs have equal number of the ambassadorial positions. The agreement on establishment of the phone lines between entities, which was signed last month, was also finalized. The agreed phone code for B&H was determined, whereas three sub-codes were also introduced: for Sarajevo, for RS and for the rest of Federation. The meeting last night followed unsuccessful meetings in Lukavica during the day.( beside Mr. Holbrooke, the meeting was attended by the USA ambassador, Mr. Robert Gelbard).
On the press conference following meetings in Lukavica, which included
meetings with members of the Minister Council, Mr. Haris Silajdzic, the
members of the B&H presidency, Mr. Gelbard and Mr. Holbrooke announced
that all three parties are to be held responsible for inobeyance of the
deadlines from Sintra, obstructing the Dayton Agreement. Nevertheless,
they noted that Serbs showed the lowest level of interest
and hence they are facing pressure from international community in
past period.Mr.Hoolbrooke stated that he clearly expressed that he
considered that Mr. Izetbegovic and Mr. Tudman were responsible
for incidents in Vogosca and Jajce, and that this inappropriate behavior
would not be tolerated any more. The refugees must be able to go home.
Serb radio-TV was accused for promoting the nazi propaganda. Mr. Geldbard said that the state department supported RS president who worked in accordance to the Constitution.. When asked to comment on the relationship between USA and UK, Mr. Gelbard responded that everything was settled after the Laborists won the elections in UK. He added that USA supports Mr. Carlos Westendorp and respects the efforts that his office put to aid the implementation of the civil part of Dayton Accord.
Mr. Holbrooke also added that the president in the B&H Presidency changed his view, and now considers the Dayton Accord to be the best solution for everyone. He then said that this was rather rhetorical , and that acts were more persuasive than words.
Shortly, the visit of the USA delegation can be considered successful. The international forces had to intervene again in order to improve efficacy of the essential institutions in B&H. According to Mr. Gelbard, joint institutions are fundamental part of Dayton Accord, while the increase of speed at work is a must. Otherwise,....This was confirmed in the issues of ambassadors of B&H. (end)