No candidates for Hague between us

Sarajevo Aug 8, 1997

United List 97

Sarajevo, 08 August,1997 (AIM) - "The results of the mission of Mr. Holbrooke will be known only when all "hearings" are heard". Now, even USA can clearly see that the key to the settlement of the B&H situation is held by Belgrade and Zagreb, that the tempo of the implementation of the Dayton Agreement is insignificant, and that the SFOR's mandate must be intensified" - was announced at the press conference of the United List 97 today. It was said that the Izetbegovic - Tudman talks would be more successful if they were held in Bugojno or Jajce.

Extension of the voters' registration process in Zepce was characterized as just another way of manipulating this process. More importantly, OSCE was not ready to provide registration data. ZL 97 is preparing to call out publicly the parties in power for breaching the rule according to which the voters were to be registered in the residing place from 1991. Hence, SDS prohibited people from expressing their desire to return to Federation, SDA led campaign to register the expatriated people from Srebrenica and Zepa to vote in Tuzla, while HDZ settled down Croat people into the regions where they did not live before - Drvar, Bosansko Grahovo etc.

The problem of housing was also discussed, insufficient number of apartments, while it is not a solution to bring in one people and expel other people from the same apartment. The authorities should start building facilities for accommodation of returnees.

It is irresponsible that the president and vice-president of Federation, as well as the Minister for refugees, did not do to Jajce yet, three day after the incident. Incident in Vogosca was also inadmissible. Women of Srebrenicaa were also manipulated, since Serbs visiting Vogosca arrived after being invited by the current authorities, Mr. Alija Izetbegovic, the presiding of the presidency, and Mr. Ejup Ganic, the vice-president of Federation( they were invited during his appearance in Brcko).Returnees must be provided with absolute equality with respect to employment, loans and other benefits.

The financial resources from Donor conference should be distributed through the Office of the High Representative, under the control of the principal donor. Zenica could be one of the priorities, since it was one of the largest industrial cities in former Yugoslavia.

The employment politics of judicial system and professional police forces must not be built based on the political options or carried out at the meetings of the administrative councils of the parties in power. The current authority is tired - concluded representatives of the United List 97.It is the most important that the representatives of United List 97 can say that they are not searched for by the Hague Tribunal and they are not on the list of Mr. Richard Cook. All the candidates on the lists are honest, capable and truthful people. (end)