Aid those who respect Dayton Agreement

Sarajevo Aug 8, 1997

Plavþiå - Gelbard - Holbrooke meeting

Banjaluka, 8 August, 1997 (AIM) - "President Plavþiå wants to implement Dayton Accord, and we will co-operate with those parties who respect it. The aid is not reaching RS because certain leaders do not want to work in accordance with Dayton Accord"- stated Mr. Richard Holbrooke, former USA envoy for Balkans, at the press conference after the talks with Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, RS president.

"We reached a bilateral agreement with Mrs. Plavsic, memorandum of understanding, in order to provide economic help worth 9 million dollars to five RS municipalities"- added Mr. Holbrooke. Mr.Robert Gelbard, current USA envoy, said that he was cooperating closely with Mrs. Plavsic, since she was legally elected RS president. The fundamental opinion of USA was supporting the democracy, according to Mr. Gelbard. "We are not supporting certain moves which are generally directed from Pale and disturb the atmosphere of democracy, control of media being one part of it", emphasized Mr. Gelbard, stressing the significance of the freedoms of press.

USA representatives informed the public that the agreement about telecommunications and phone codes, division of the ambassador positions abroad and some military issues. The unsettled issues remaining are joint currency, and the only problem within this issue are symbols which are to appear on new money. USA delegation emphasized the significance of war crimes and necessity of capturing of the war criminals. With respect to the return of refugees, it was emphasized that anyone wising to return home should be enabled to do so, while the recent events in Vogosca and Jajce were condemned. RS president expressed her hope that the current problems would be solved in accordance to the RS Constitution and Dayton Accord, and that the economical aid would be given and would enhance the life of RS citizens.(end)