150 families returning to Lukavac

Sarajevo Aug 7, 1997

Return of Serbs to Federation

Lukavac, 07 August, 1997 (AIM) - In past two days, it was agreed for 149 Serb families return to the Lukavac Municiapality from the RS teritory, or approximately 500 people. Mr. Nikola Ðuriå, Mr. Milenko Sarafijanoviå and Mr. Nikola Nikoliå, representatives of the inhabitants of the Serb villages Stupari and Panjik in the Lukavac Municipality who fled during the war and went to RS controlled teritory, discussed this with the representstives of the Lukavac municipality, as well as the representatives of the authorized international organisations.

According to Mr. Sead Hodzic, the predisent of the Municipal Council in Lukavac, the conditions for thier return are unfavourable. The condition would be issuance of the new identification documents (in the place of returning), while the returnees could use their current identification documents during the reconstruction of their houses. Serbs can practically start clearing their property as soon as tomorrow.

Besides, 450 Serb inhabitants returned to village Krtovo last year, and "the doors of the Lukavac are also opened to them".
Meanwhile, this return of Serb refugees would create the opportunity for return of Bosniaks to Janje, Bijeljina and other places.(end)