Amendment for Mostar

Sarajevo Aug 7, 1997

Party of Democratic Action B&H (SDA B&H)

Sarajevo, 07 August, 1997 (AIM) - "It is necessary to insist that International community helps the creation of an amendment for Mostar, prior to the local elections", emphasized Mr. Ismet Grbo, spokesperson of the SDA B&H on the press conference today. In this manner, we would prevent anything that could possibly create new defective situations in this city..

The events in Jajce are considered as an attack on Bosniaks, directed from abroad. Mr. Grbo reminded the attendants that the disputes and clashes between Bosniaks and Croats in Jajce, hence it is difficult to comprehend the fall of Jajce, since the Croats and Bosniaks had been expatriated together from the city. In accordance to respecting the Annex 7 of Dayton Accord, SDA will request from the High Representative, Mr. Carlos Westendorp, protection of returnees using specific necessary measures.(end)