Expanding the projects to RS

Sarajevo Aug 7, 1997

Mrs. Plavþiå - Mr.Bak meeting

Banjaluka, 7 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, President of Republika Srpska (RS) met in Banjaluka today Mr.Craig Bak, Director of USA agency for international development (US AID) to discuss the programs for economical support proposed by this agency. Professor Rajko Tomas, Advisor to the RS president for issues in economy, announced after the meeting with US AID that two projects were planned to be expanded to the territory of RS. These projects are already in process in Federation of B&H, namely, programs for restoration of infrastructure and aid to economy. He expressed his hope that these projects would be soon implemented and that USA would be present more often as the partner in these regions. Mr. Bak stated that , after the Dayton Accord was signed, US president decided to give 600.000 USD for the reconstruction of B&H and expressed his desire to expand the reconstruction projects to RS. According to Mr. Bak, the reaching of the agreement which would enable such investment of resources was discussed during the meeting.(end)