General elections in B&H necessary

Sarajevo Aug 7, 1997

Alternative Minister Council

Banjaluka, 7 August, 1997 (AIM) -At the press conference held today in Banjaluka, Mr. Sejfudin Tokiå, President of Alternative Minister Council B&H (AMV B&H), announced that the general elections in B&H are essential, since B&H is facing deep crisis in the functioning of the institutions chosen during the general elections last year.

Mr. Tokic said that RS Assembly is obviously not functioning, while it only plausibly functions in Federation, hence the general elections should be carried out prior to the end of SFOR's mandate. With respect to the division of positions in Diplomatic- Consular Representative offices(DKP), Mr. Tokic stated that the ethnic background could not be principal element during the process of determination of positions, but the essential principle that needed to be respected would be agreed strategy of foreign political platform and expertise- professional criteria. "AMV request the commencement of the DKP operating to be postponed until the joint political activities are determined", emphasized Mr. Tokic and added that the announced sanctions because the Dayton Accord was not expected, could not be applied to the populace of both entities, due to the irresponsibility of the existing people in power. Commenting on the media in B&H, Mr. Tokic stressed that 50% of the B&H territory had no alternative media which was highly favorable for the parties in power. Mr. Miodrag ªivanoviå, vice-president of AMV, condemned the two days of seminars for diplomats and emphasized that this was only possible in abnormal countries."Three national oligarchies are leading their own nations toward the catastrophe", said Mr. Zivanovic.(end)