Mr. Brðanin: Mr.Joksimoviå signed my capital punishment

Sarajevo Aug 7, 1997

Banja Luka, 7 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mr.Radoslav Brðanin, President of the Peoples Party (NS),announced at the press conference today that he would file a lawsuit against Mr. Momo Joksimovic, deputy chief editor of "Prst", and Mr . Momcilo Krajisnik and Mr. Radovan Karadzic, who "ordered him to announce the false accusations in the mentioned newspaper". " By saying that I destroyed mosques, Mr. Joksimovic signed my capital punishment for Muslim people for my family and myself", emphasized that he would be represented by his attorney, Mr. Milan Trbojevic, vice-president of NS. In connection to the scheduled public debate of the Constitutional Court on Tuesday, 12th of August, in Pale, Mr. Milan Trbojevic said that he truly hoped that the judges would not accept the proposal for evaluation of constitutional validity of the decisions passed by RS President.

Mr. Trbojevic informed that 15 political parties signed the declaration yesterday, according to which they would form Government which would have the prime task of crime prevention, enhancement of the economy, creation of the atmosphere of democracy, suspension of the political laws and execution of Dayton Accord, regardless of the results of the elections.(end)