Two strategies for three municipalities

Sarajevo Aug 6, 1997

Distortion of the demographic picture

Drvar, 06 August,1997(AIM)- In the territory of three B&H municipalities which are currently part of the federal canton no. 10 -Glamoč, Bosansko Grahovo and Drvar, Croats were representing 4.2 percent of the population before the war. The inhabitants of these municipalities were mostly Serbs, whereas according to the population survey from 1991, 18% of Bosniaks also lived there. However, after the war, due to existing Croat strategy and the fact that two out of three municipalities (excluding Glamoc) are directly bordering with the neighboring Croatia, the Croat colonization of these municipalities with expatriated and refugee Croats from 47 B&H municipalities is planned and done systematically. The proof of this is thousands of refugee id cards issued to Croats from Central Bosnia, who did not show the least bit of desire to return to the regions where they lived prior to the war, according to the reliable sources.

Instead of considering the return to their own homes, some 15.000 Croats from Central Bosnia living temporarily in these three municipalities with Serb majority, registered there and hence showed everyone that they wished to stay there. Therefore, numerous incidents with the owners of houses trying to return to their own homes are not surprising. Croats are currently substantial majority in these municipalities, while municipal and cantonal authorities want to use oncoming elections to gain absolute power there. (end)