Holbrooke and USA dictate, B&H authorities sign

Sarajevo Aug 6, 1997

Social Democratic Party B&H (SDP B&H)

Sarajevo, 06 August, 1997 (AIM) - The rights of B&H refugees and expatriated people, currently residing in 110 different countries worldwide, must not be endangered by the blockage of B&H diplomatic representative offices world wide. Therefore, Social Democratic Party B&H will ask social democratic parties in Europe, particularly in the countries where they are in power (12 in European Union), but nevertheless in other countries where they are close to the authorities in power (Germany), to protect B&H refugees and expatriated people, give them their existential and human rights, rights of housing, medical treatment etc. This protection is necessary as long as ambassadors in these and other countries do not regain their legitimacy" - said Mr. Bogic Bogicevic, vice-president of SDP B&H during the press conference today. This is essential, explained Mr. Bogicevic, because the presiding of the European Union suggested this morning in Luxembourg that all 15 member countries should suspend their B&H ambassadors. The identical measures were undertaken by some other countries, including USA.These measures will remain in power until rival ethnic groups in B&H do not agree, according to Mr. Carlos Westendorp.

Mr. Bogic said that it was impermissible to speak of "rival ethnic parties in B&H" since it meant " the acceptance of the logic of division on our and their, us and them, which does not lead to reintegration of B&H and implementation of Dayton" . The meeting in Split between Mr. Alija Izetbegovic, the Presiding of the B&H Presidency, and Mr. Franjo Tudman, President of Croatia, has started this morning. SPD B&H can not comment this meeting yet, but Mr. Bogicevic emphasizes that only one thing is possible and that is that only dictations of Mr. Holbrooke will be agreed upon, executed and signed. He further explained that "unfortunately B&H authorities are in the situation that they have to accept those dictations".

"The recent incidents in connection to refugees and expatriated people in Jajce, Doboj, Vogosca and Brcko, are only one part of pre-election activities of the parties in power" commented Mr. Bogicevic. SDP requests that international community prevents repeated expatriation of the same people ( even three times),i.e. to guarantee to those people final returning home, as well as their personal, legal and safety of the property. (end)