RS requests extension of the mandate

Sarajevo Aug 6, 1997

RS Government on international forces

Pale, 6 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Milan Ninkovic, Minister of Defense in the RS Government, stated that he informed the delegation of the European Union Parliament that RS requested extension of the mandate of international forces as long as "the other side is making war threats".

At the meeting with European Parliamentarians led by the Dutch Mr.Jan Dirich Blau, Mr. Ninkoviå warned that international community had double standards, since it provided "equip and train" program for the Army of B&H Federation, while it requested that RS army reduced the weaponry.

Mr. Ninkoviå voiced his opinion stating that RS respected fully the military part of the Dayton Accord and estimated that the reducing the weaponry should be completed in September. In his press statement after the meeting, he also expressed his hope that the somewhat deteriorated relationship between SFOR and RS would be normalized soon, and added that he informed Mr. Blau about his opinion that SFOR stretched his authority during the action in Prijedor. Mr. Blau, currently visiting B&H to establish whether longer stay of international forces would be required after the cessation of SFOR's mandate, announced that he hoped that his collaboration with RS and F B&H authorities would result in establishment of balance of power in these regions.

Mr. Branko Stjepanovic, Minister for Foreign Economic Relations, attended the meeting and pointed out unequal financial support given to RS and F B&H. (end)