841 registered cases, only 4 recommendations

Sarajevo Aug 5, 1997

Ombudsman for human rights in B&H

Sarajevo, 05 August, 1997(AIM) - 841 cases were registered by the 31st ðof July, 1997 in the Ombudsman Office for human rights according to the information given out during the press conference today. From this number, 587 cases were registered in Sarajevo, while 254 cases were registered in Banjaluka. The charges were pressed against B&H State, Federation of B&H and Republika Srpska (RS). The cases mostly involve discrimination, the right of respecting the home, the property of refugees, private property, houses of former JNA, duration of the lawsuit process
and the right of approaching the court. >From all registered cases, the Office of the Ombudsman transferred only 4 recommendations to the authorized courts.(end)