Moonlight Company decreased the federal budget

Sarajevo Aug 5, 1997

Government of B&H Federation

Sarajevo, 05 August, 1997 (AIM) - Irregularities of the business activities in Consignation storage site and store "Moonlight Company" Sarajevo, the business unit in Bihaå, decreased the input of funds to the Federation budget for more than 15 million USD. This was discussed on the today's session of Government of Federation B&H (F B&H). Numerous irregularities were found in this store, which is located in Izacici. The detailed inspection of merchandise and lists made for duty free shop revealed the final amount of debt. It amounts to 15.614.110 USD. The record found also contain the datum on sale of 579.005.000 cigarettes, which constitutes 30 percent of overall cigarette sales in the Federation of B&H. The decision of F B&H Government on temporary closure of this store is currently being expected, as well as activities of Finance Police on closer investigation of business operations in the storage site and the store.

With respect to the realization of the renewal and reconstruction projects, certain disproportion was found in connection to amounts found in the Government records versus the amounts recorded by the Agency for restoration and reconstruction, hence checking up and settling of this is expected. (end)