Mr. µoljiå: the journalist scumbags and the chicken house

Sarajevo Aug 5, 1997

In the Office of High Representative for B&H

Sarajevo, 05 August, 1997(AIM) - "Is there any scumbags among you who writes this?"- were the first words of Mr. Vladimir Soljic, the president of Federation, at the meeting with journalists in the Office of High representative for B&H (OHR), while holding the today's edition of Sarajevan daily newspaper containing title in connection to incident in Jajce "Kordic also on of the movie directors "written in bold letters on the front page. Beside amazed journalists, the meeting was also attended by deputy High Representative, Ambassador Wagner, Mr. Soljic and Mr. Ejup Ganic, vice-president of F B&H. " Anyone writing in such a manner is nothing but a scumbag" said Mr. Soljic at the conclusion of his "introduction" to the meeting, which was called upon on the topic of the new return of those people who were expatriated from Jajce last weekend. The return was agreed upon today in OHR, and it had to be concluded by the end of next week. Two other important issues discussed were the programs of return to entire canton of Central Bosnia as well as the establishment of joint cantonal police forces based upon the population survey from 1991 by the end this month. These agreements whould be implemented in the entire territory of the Federation, according to Mr. Ganic, while the Central- Bosnian canton, facing the greatest difficulties, should serve as an example.

When they were asked to comment on murder and torching the house of one Bosniak in Jajce, Mr. Soljic said that this case had to be investigated closely, but also the case in Travnik, where 75 year old Croat was murdered and set to fire three months ago. "These cases must be settled, and those responsible must be punished" , said Mr. Soljic.

When introduced to the request made by opposition ( Alternative Council of Ministers - Shadow Government) that both the president and the vice-president of the Federation should resign, Mr. Soljic said that he deeply respected democratic procedures, " but the populace showed who they respect during the elections" and then added that he thought that they both (Soljic and Ganic) " do their job well". On the other hand, according to Mr. Soljic, their power is also limited since "I can not return my cousin with the same name from Bugojno to his apartment, or minister Krizanovic to his apartment in Sarajevo.... It is not related to the power of certain individuals, and many people are not aware of the events". ( This apparently was referred to those who make comments on his work).

When asked about how it is possible to return people to Jajce and other places, and how can they be ensured security, Mr. Soljic underlined the necessity of establishment of the certain plan. "The toughest problems, such as return of refugees, can not be settles partially. There also a question of return to Bugojno? The Prime Minister Bicakcic and I can not find out from the newspaper of TV for the incidents during the return of refugees. There must be a project existent. You can not even build a chicken house without a project", said Mr. Soljic.

Ambassador Wagner concluded this meeting stating that people in OHR are very concerned, that a thorough investigation must be undertaken in connection to these incidents and that responsible individuals must be punished. The punishment will be known only after the investigation is concluded, while "this incident must serve as an initiative for enhancement of the entire process of return of refugees to their homes.(end)