Holiday of all Croats (!?)

Sarajevo Aug 5, 1997

The Day of Gratitude to the Homeland

Livno,05 August, 1997(AIM)- Today, on the 5th of August, is holiday and non-working day in all municipalities of Herzeg- Bosnian canton. This was the decision of the Ministry of Labor, Social Care and Expatriated People of this canton which was announced in the statement containing the information that the Statutory Holiday in Croatia - Day of Gratitude to the Homeland was non-working day in all municipalities of Herzeg- Bosnian canton. Hence, while one part of the Federation of B&H works, the other part celebrates. Statutory holiday of another state at that. So, "Croatian Republic Herzeg- Bosnia" officially does not exist for a long time now, the holidays of the neighboring country are being regularly celebrated in the part of the federal entity with HDZ in power, while not a single holiday of B&H or F B&H is being celebrated. (end)