ENG:Mononational parties lie !

Sarajevo Aug 4, 1997

Alternative Council of Ministers B&H (AMV B&H)

* Mononational parties lie!

Sarajevo, 04 August, 1997 (AIM) - In connection to the happenings in Jajce, Vogosca and Brcko, Alternative Council of Ministers B&H (AMV B&H), Shadow Government, announced the statement containing the following information:

"This is the culminating point in the politics of the mononational parties which shows their inability to undertake concrete and effective steps in connection to the return of refugees. In some way, it also represents a beginning of an election campaign of mononational parties in power which, using well known scenaria of "movement of the populace", attempt to realize yet greater homogenization of their own populace, i.e. national voter body, through various degree of encouraging the antagonisms and hatred for the purpose of creating narrow and nationally pure territories. Mild thawing of interethnic relations in B&H is not suitable to the mononational parties, and they are trying to undermine these rare attempts of normalisatoin of the relations and the general situation using perfid and most likely coordinated moves. Jajce, Vogosca and outskirts of Brcko are just the most recent examples. The local authorities are openly serving the politics of inhibiting the process of return of refugees and expatriated people of other ethnicities, with silent approval or secret dictation from a part of the top of mononational authorities in power, which do not follow Dayton Accord since it destroys their nationalistic, megalomaniac dreams of large, ethnically pure states. In all three mononational parties, within which the relationship between subordination, absolute obeying and negative selection of personnel is brought up to an absurd level, so called local obstinacy of any sort is impossible. It is a pure lie! "Heads were flying off" for even minor disregard within mononational parties. Alternative Council of Ministers B&H (AVM B&H), which includes eight political parties and civic initiatives from both B&H entities, requests from OSCE to exclude from the election process all those well known individuals and political bodies who are not willing to carry out "whatever is agreed upon and signed" states the announcement of AMV B&H.

The Shadow Government further warned that mononational parties
lead two-faced politics of public support of the Dayton Accord, while their behavior in concrete situations and with actual people still involves moves opposite to their obligations and responsibilities taken on as promised to international community.(end)