Structures in power are to be hold responsible

Sarajevo Aug 4, 1997

United List 97

Sarajevo, 04 August, 1997 (AIM) - "B&H is being shaken by a new wave of forces against integration and increased activity of those who oppose Dayton Accord. Return of expatriated people and refugees to Jajce was ruined by enraged nationalists with silent approval of local authorities. All refugees were expelled again, their houses were torched and one Bosniak was murdered", was announced today in the statement of United List 97, the coalition of five opposition parties (UBSD, HSS, MBO, SPP and Republican Party). The announcement further states:

" Threats to those who want to return to their homes gained horrific form in order to prevent the returnees. The president and vice-president of Federation, its Government as well as the Presidency of the State remained deaf and blind with respect to these events. They did not react. They were supposed to be at the location of these events and undertake all necessary measures in order to calm the spirits, to put in prison those responsible for the incident and ensure the continuation of the reintegration of the country and return of refugees. The top authorities are silent. Is the reason the silent agreement for obstruction and prevention of return ?

Women from Srebrenica were manipulated in Vogosca. The state authorities responded correctly by not letting the mass to enter municipality building and hence prevent kidnapping of the people who appeared after invitation by top B&H officials and warranty by IPTF. Those who are inviting Serbs to return to Sarajevo did not appear again. The political inactivity of the bearers of supreme authority in B&H as well as top circles of parties in power is worrying. They are irritating the populace and bringing the nations on the verge of renewal of war activities by their inactivity and wrong moves. While their is a direct threat to peace existing, all top SDA members are gathering in Tuzla and pondering on how to overthrow Mr. Beslagic, and HDZ leaders are dispersed within B&H on weekend. They are not concerned with real peace threat. United list 97 is making an energetic complaint against this irrational politics and requests from the parties in power and federal and state authorities to immediately undertake all legal measures and halt the wave of violence. United List 97 also calls out for immediate session of Federal Parliament". (end)