AIM Interview with Mr. Soljic and Mr. Bicakcic

Sarajevo Aug 4, 1997

Black marketing between RS and B&H Federation

Sarajevo, 02 July, 1997 (AIM) - Regarding the statement given yesterday by Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, President RS, in which she accused RS Police Ministry and it's top officials for smuggling diesel, cigarettes, building materials and other goods to the B&H Federation, mentioning exactly the locations, dates and time of 'operations', AIM journalist kindly asked for an interview Mr. Vladimir Soljic, President B&H Federation and Mr. Edhem Bicakcic, Prime Minister B&H Federation. At the first question to Mr. Soljic, what actions are to be taken against the criminals from the Federal side who were involved in mentioned black marketing, he answered: "First of all, I have not seen or heard her statement, and I have any information's about the situation in RS. Therefore I can not comment the statement. Anyhow, I wish that they solve their problems with as small stress as possible. Also, such activities shouldn't be a wonder in the war time. I believe that there are such criminals in each entity. They are the first to make the connections, and we might learn something from them. The first criminals to be caught in Herzegovina were a Muslim, a Serb and a Croat.
The crooks engaged in entities relation, should be the first thing on which we can establish the cooperation, because both entities are short in money in the state treasures. Specially when trading with goods of high tariffs".

AIM: "What kind of concrete action will be taken to find out the crooks from our entity, involved in mentioned crime?"

"I have been for a long time at the leading positions, therefore, I would not comment it before I know the facts. But, my position is that, if guilty, everybody involved should be replaced", said Mr. Soljic.

AIM: "Would Mrs. Plavis's statement initiate any investigation in Federation?"

Mr. Soljic: "I am handicapped, because I have not seen or heard that statement, but I have no reason to support any activities which might be described as criminal. As the President B&H Federation, I have no information's about the criminal at the RS - Federation relation. Before, when I was engaged in 'Herzeg Bosnia'(which was titled as 'so called'), we had no interest for parallel black founds. There was no operation which was not under control of authorized institutions. No one could bring a donation, and share it as he liked".

AIM: "Sorry Mr. Soljic, but our question does not interfere with 'Herzeg Bosnia' and past tense. We are interviewing you as a present Federal President, where, also, exists the institutions like Government or Ministry of Interior".

Mr. Soljic: "I stated this in a context of controlling such events. I am against any misuse of state founds. We, in 'Herzeg Bosnia' had nothing what did not belong to the state - we had a state budget from 1992 and nobody, as a single person, could manipulate with it. Evil is never the evil thing by itself only, and I do not want to be involved in her (Mrs. Plavsic) problems. If it comes that her statement is accurate one, I am not afraid that my name would be connected with it in any way. Those who illegally manipulate with state treasury, must be stopped".

Mr. Bicakcic, stated that "the Government has informations about the illegal trade between the entities through the market places on the borders, and the Federation suffers a damage, because there is no income from such trade".

"We discussed this subject at the meetings of the Prime Ministers from both entities, but, there are no mechanisms which would put it under control. Dayton Agreement allowed no control points. Actually, that should be under the care of the Trade Inspection and Finance Control Office, which were in the state of establishment in that time", said Mr. Bicakcic, denying any responsibility of the Federal Government, by such 'explanation'.(End)