Decisiveness to help RS

Sarajevo Aug 4, 1997

Mrs. Plavþiå - Mr. Westendorp talks

Banjaluka, 2 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, President of Republika Srpska (RS), met with Mr.Carlos Westendorp, High Representative of International Community (IC) for B&H, in Banjaluka today.

Commenting that the talks were highly successful, Mrs. Plavsic said that
had found out what had been happening during the Donor Conference and that she was very happy with the results. Mrs. Plavsic also emphasized that it had been confirmed that the fund were to be given to RS under the same conditions as to B&H Federation and that certain radical conditions were out of question. Mr. Westendorp stated that substantial funds for aid and reconstruction were promised at the Donor Conference. "I am decisive in helping RS, because the populace needs it. Those authorities which oppose it will be pushed aside and will not be given any help" said Mr. Westendorp.

Mr. Westendorp also informed the media that he had been scheduled to meet with Members of the B&H Presidency to discuss conclusions from Sintra, the Law on citizenship and the Law on passports. "Unfortunately, the meeting with members of the B&H Presidency was not held, since they could not agree upon the location of the meeting. I proposed to them a compromise of dividing the ambassador functions which was rejected, not by Serbs, but by the other side" added Mr. Westendorp.

Commenting on the current situation in RS, he emphasized that it was essential that everyone respected the RS Constitution and allowed the populace to decide upon their own fate. (end)