Ministers find Ilindan to be more important

Sarajevo Aug 4, 1997

Government is not coming to Banjaluka

Pale, 2 August, 1997 - RS Government confirmed that they would not come to the session in Banjalukan which was called upon by Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, RS President, and proposed to her that the session of the Government should be postponed until the verdict on the decision in connection to dismissal of National Assembly is brought by Constitutional Court. Inability of ministers to hold Government session on Ilindan, 2nd of August, is explained by responsibilities and duties in connection to Ilindan, holiday which is baptismal anniversary of numerous municipalities in RS.

According to the statement of RS Government announced after consultations in the session last night," it is true without a doubt that, in accordance with Article 82 of the RS Constitution, the RS president can call for the session and propose items on the agenda within her realm of authority".

However, the statement further explains that the Government members had received tasks on the session on the 29th of July in connection to the celebrations in Viþegrad, Trebinje, Sokolac, Miliåi, Mrkoniå Grad, µipovo and Srpski Sanski Most and it would be impossible to cancel these celebrations or tasks.

RS Government assured that it was even ready to hold the session proposed by RS president at any time in the Government Headquarters in Pale, since it was sessioning continuously.

The proposal to postpone the session until the decision of the Constitutional Court, RS Government explained by the statement that certain issues could not be dealt with and certain actions could not be carried out until then.

RS Government supported this opinion by the decision of Constitutional Court from the 10th of July by which execution of all acts and activities of state authorities, organizations and associations of the bearers of public functions in RS, which were carried out or were to be carried out based on the decision of RS president for dismissal of the National Assembly and proclamation of new elections for the Assembly, was to be terminated.(end)