Kijac invites RS President to meet him

Sarajevo Aug 4, 1997


Pale, 1 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Dragan KIJAC, Minister of Internal Affairs (MUP) in the RS Government,who was relieved of his duty on 27th of June by Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, RS President, repeated his complaint that the criminalisation of the ministry is negatively reflected on its functioning.

" During Your recent appearances, You mentioned Ministry of Internal Affairs within the negative context and also discussed alleged criminalisation of this institution and its leadership, which had a negative impact on the overall functioning of the Ministry and its role which is being carried out , I am convinced, in accordance to the Constitution and laws of RS", stated Mr. Kijac in his letter to the president Plavsic. Mr. Kijac then invited RS president to attend the meeting of Expanded Board of Ministers of internal affairs, on Wednesday,the 6th of August, in Doboj, explaining his invitation using the comment of Mrs. Plavsic stating that she did not start the discussion about criminal in MUP on the sessions of National Assembly of RS Government, even though "she would have been able to settle all this through legal system appropriately if she actually possessed valid arguments".(end)