Mr. Izetbegovic must support Mrs.Plavsic

Sarajevo Aug 1, 1997

Muslim-Bosniak Organization B&H(MBO B&H)

Sarajevo, 01 August, 1997 (AIM) - " Either nothing is being done or a lot is being done not to keep minimum of B&H state validity as guaranteed by Dayton Accord. It is best shown by the reaction Mr. Alija Izetbegovic, Presiding of the Presidency, who, neither invited
nor called out, reacts on part of one fraction of B&H citizens. There is also similar example from Banjaluka - there are roumors that Constitutional Court of B&H is responsible for the struggle within RS, but Sarajevo is silent. This behavior would be more likely if struggle was happening somewhere in Ruanda, and not in other part of B&H state"- said Mr. Kemo Sokolija, member of Head Board of Muslim- Bosniak Organisation B&H(MBO B&H) on the press conference today. Vice-president of the party, Mr. Mujo Kafedzic, during his comment on recent visit of Mr. Robin Cook, British Minister of Foreign Affairs and high- rank official of European Union stated: " There are attempts to blur and dilute malversations in the form of spending the international aid funds for B&H for wrong purposes, and it is certain that the people involved in these attempts are involved in these malversations. Commission which is to be formed according to Mr. Izetbegovic must be multinational. However, some B&H parties warned about crime in RS on earlier occasions, but Mr. Izetbegovic never reacted this promptly. He should support Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, president of the other B&H entity, in the struggle against crime, since the criminals of both entities are connected". Previously announced Izetbegoviå - Tuðman meeting, according to MBO B&H, must not be meeting where Mr. Izetbegtovic is to be in function of one nation or one political party from B&H. Mr. Izetbegovic must finally have position himself to consider Mr. Tudman as the president of a neighboring country which was in war with B&H, and not partner who we are to split sovereignty of the" remainder of Bosnia."

Commenting on the election campaign which is not being satisfactorily dynamic from its very beginning, Mr. Kafedzic expressed his disappointment with the "media slot offer" which was sent to MBO ( RTV B&H - 10 minutes for introduction of the party and NTV HAYAT - treated as non-parliamentary party),as well as with the fact that there is no program which would follow election campaign programs of other B&H media sources.(end)