Forgotten by Allah and by the authorities

Sarajevo Jul 31, 1997

Returnee Office in Tuzla

Sarajevo, 31 July, 1997(AIM) - "The returnees will vote for RS authorities and particularly for the parties with democratic tendencies. Whether these parties will be parties of democratic alternative, i.e. opposition - we shall see. We are all somewhat tired of this eating using national spoon, unless something is changed"- says Mr. Fadil Banjanovic from Office for refugees and displaced people in Tuzla. This office has helped almost 2000 people return to the villages in the separation line or the separation zone. The number of returnees would be even bigger if there were resources available to provide financial aid of any sort. Namely, returnees themselves are renewing their houses, demining the filed etc. The aid is arriving from various directions.

These 2000 people returned to villages Jusici (245 persons), Dugi dio (150), Mahala (140), Hodºiåi (140), µkola (285), Koraj and Gajevi (200), Turaliåi (200) and Sjenina (285). These people returned from Germany as well as different part of Federation. " They all accepted identification cards of Republika Srpska(RS). Police from this entity patrols these villages and control peace and orde, while people live, restore their houses. They started working on their land "- states Mr. Banjanovic, but then shows his concern and complains that these villages "are forgotten by Allah as well as by International Community (IC) and B&H authorities, no one even came to bring a single cushion, furnace. Project of return was not even created, international authorities say that the region is part of RS and that their duty is to help rebuild infrastructure. Federal partners are also passing this "hot potato" etc. Ministry for Refugees from RS should create project for reconstruction of infrastructure. On the other hand - refugees, repatriated and displaced people can not be represented by someone who has a huge house, five bedroom apartment, company car and the rest. Unproductive meetings on which certain statutes are quickly adopted while essential issues remain unsettled do not make any sense. Delegation of the refugees and repatriated people must meet with Mr. Izetbegovic and Mr. SIlajdzic, and do something to solve this problem" says Mr. Banjanovic.(end)