Increasing number of interested people

Sarajevo Jul 31, 1997

Permanent providing for in the Municipality of Drvar region

Drvar, 31 July, 1997(AIM)- Decision made by the Association of
expatriated, displaced and refugee Croats from B&H to carry out a survey to see the interest of expatriated Croats for better quality care met great approval and positive response.

Namely, the aim of the survey which was mentioned above was to establish the method and form of permanent high-quality care and accommodation for repatriated Croats from B&H. According to Mr. Srecko Difkovic, member of the Housing commission of the Committee of the Government in Herzegbosnian Canton for Drvar Municipality which is carrying out the survey, they are surprised themselves by the number of interested people who wish to move to Drvar and this can be proved by the large number of ballots. They are mostly people are currently living in Western Europe, who never lived in Drvar and who are registered by their family members. It must not be forgotten, however, that in accordance to Dayton Accord and its Annex no.7, 12.500 Serb refugees, repatriated and displaced people announced their returning to Drvar, where they lived before the war. (end)