Incident in Svjetliči

Sarajevo Jul 31, 1997


Doboj, 31 July, 1997 (AIM) - According to the news announced on the local Doboj Radioan incident occurred in the village Svjetliča near Doboj in which the people of this Serb village exchanged rocks
in the conflict with the people of neighboring Bosniak village Hodºiåi to where the Bosniak have returned upon agreement with the Serb authorities.

According to the news, group of 90 Bosniak attacked Mrs. Petra ¼upeljiå and her son Dalibor, and for this reason they requested medical help in the hospital in Doboj.

Mr. Hamdo Meþiå was called over to be a person who organized the attack, he was apparently officer in 109th brigade of B&H Army and "announced new arrival with substantial amount of weapons".(end)