Custom benefits valid until further notice

Sarajevo Jul 31, 1997

Party of Democratic Action (SDA)

Sarajevo, 31 July, 1997(AIM) - "Until new decision is made in Parliament and Government of the Federation B&H, the custom benefits remain in force", emphasized Mr. Timur Numic, General
Manager of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) Headquarters, on the press conference today. Mr. Numic denied the information announced these days in the media about alleged irrevocable decision made by official institutions by which the custom benefits would go out after 31st of July.

Renewed involvement of Mr. Richard Holbrooke in the peace process in B&H was evaluated as positive by SDA, because "he is an energetic person with excellent capabilities, who is able of problem solving independent of who is the party presenting the problem" according to Mr. Ismet Grbo SDA spokesperson.

The Izetbegoviå-Tuðman meeting fixed in advance for 6th of August will be held as predicted, announced Mr. Grbo and added that the preparation for the meeting are being successfully finalized.

Minute, but nevertheless, significant advancement is evident in work of Federate Parliament. Mr. Mirsad Ceman stressed that this was apparent in the discussion on numerous laws which were presented by the federal Government.

The disputable issue refers to the Proposal of the Laws on Municipalities. Mr. Ceman emphasized the alternative option would be to possibly create new propositions and laws on municipalities, which was adopted by representatives with majority of votes.(end)