Mr. president sensed it... (!?)

Sarajevo Jul 30, 1997

S. Avdic, Social Democratic Party (SDP):

Sarajevo, 30.July,1997 (AIM) - "President
Itetbegovic, like any righteous man, sensed the existence of malversations in the same manner any casual passer-by senses it, aggressive process of getting rich with the weakness of the institutions and existence of gray economy in the background. His press statement, given prior to Mr. Cook's arrival to Sarajevo, about existence of malversations and abstraction of resources from the international aid funds in an indication, and one can feel that he needed one such international initiative", stated Mr. Sead Avdiå, Vice- president of Social democratic Party (SDP) B&H, after a question of AIM journalist to comment the announcement of Mr. Alija Izetbegovic in connection to commission for investigating malversations with money intended for reconstruction of B&H.

Commenting on the yesterday's visit of Mr. Cook, Mr. Avdic says that he is not political dilettante and man likely of hasty reactions. "He surely had accurate information which we believe will be passed by Foreign Office to the commission to be created according to Mr. Izetbegovic. SDP shares the opinion that crime and corruption are present in B&H and that "political Mafia"- as SDP defined ties of criminals and politicians in B&H" states Mr. Avdic. Hence, the essential view of SDP is similar to Mr. Izetbegovic proposition to "form a commission which would be neither from members of one nation nor one party, but rather made of representatives of all parliamentary parties in B&H as well as International community (IC) representatives and which would complete investigation and give valid answer to people of B&H."

Constant blocking of activities of central state institutions such as Minister Council as well as blocking of activities of House of Commons of Federal Parliament, refusal of RS representatives from collaboration with international institutions supported by yesterdays statement of
Mr. Momcilo Krajisnik, Member of B&H Presidency saying that " Karadzic is not the person who should go to Hague" and that IC should stop punishing innocent Serbian people ( Mr. Cook responded on this comment saying that Serbian nation is not in question, but Individuals who are executing politics of aggression and crime) - are just some reasons for SDP request for postponing the local municipal elections which are to be carried out in September, in 2 or 3 months, and to propose early general elections for all levels of authority in B&H.

SDP Heads of lists were announced on the SDP press conference today for the oncoming elections in municipalities of Zenica- Doboj canton: Maglaj, Vareþ, Teþanj and Zenica Municipal Council.(end)