Holiday or liberation from others

Sarajevo Jul 30, 1997

New anniversaries

Bugojno,30 July,1997(AIM) - Celebration of a date from recent history shows that everything is different from before. Local Muslim- Bosniak authorities organized celebration of the Liberation Day this Sunday in Bugojno. On this occasion Municipal Council of HDZ Bugojno announced the statement saying:"How did you and who did you liberated the town from? You freed it of Croats! Gentlemen, ask yourself, is it not a crime that there are 15 thousands of Croats in exile. We will not discuss publicly your crimes against Croats and everything that is Croatian, because it could lead to new crimes. hence, we will cede this issue to the court in Hague, hoping that Bugojno will be discussed there one day."

In order not to be "indebted" side, they also describe how Muslim-Bosniak authorities tie pre-election meeting of HDZ in Bugojno last year to crimes in Vrbanja using "camera lens", emphasizing further that "people on the meeting are not connected to Vrbanja in any way".(end)