ENG:Announcement of RS President

Sarajevo Jul 30, 1997

Announcement of RS President

***Unconstitutionality disturbed sovereignty of RS

Banjaluka, 30. July, 1997 (AIM) - During today's press conference, Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, RS President, expressed her concern with respect to the current situation in RS and warned that " ignoring the constitutional authority position of RS President disturbs existing sovereignty of RS from within, while it make the world doubt in the commitment to legal state and democracy".

"Although we sent several request to National Assembly and Government to carry out their duties according to the law and the Constitution, results were not there. We are currently facing the situation where councilors of the dismissed Assembly hold unconstitutional sessions, while the government continuously refuses to co-operate with the RS President and passes illegal decisions. This causes blockade in the functioning of the institutions and authorities in RS" announces the statement and proceeds to warn that persistence of such conditions will bring isolation and economic collapse in RS.

Finally, the RS President requests all institutions and officials in RS to work in accordance with the Constitution and current laws and regulations.(end)