Better with the Federation than with Yugoslavia

Sarajevo Jul 30, 1997

Professor dr. Ljubomir Madzar in Doboj

Doboj, 30 July, 1997 (AIM) - Serbian Forum of Intellectuals and Executive Council of Municipal Assembly Doboj organized the lecture on "Today and Tomorrow in Economy of RS ". Dr. Ljubomir Madzar, professor at the Faculty of Economy in Belgrade, emphasized that " the economy of Republika Srpska (RS) is in poor state and that SR Yugoslavia is in a similar state."

" You exhibit strong tendency of connecting to Yugoslavia, but that is a "willow wedge". Institutions over there are transformed into vehicles for personal gaining of wealth" stressed Mr. Madzar.

He told general managers who attended the lecture that " it would be better that they trade with their neighbors from the Federation of B&H " and "that it would be wiser that they show maximal will for c-operation with the international community".

"You can not defeat USA, it is much more profitable that you sell your goods in the other entity that to transport it to Trebinje", said Mr. Madzar.

Approximately 70 economists and representatives of opposition parties from Doboj attended the lecture of professor Madzar.(end)