B. Plavþiå battles with SDS

Sarajevo Jul 30, 1997

Announcement of SDS Headquarters

Pale 30 July, 1997 (AIM) - "Recent public appearances of
Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, President of Republika Srpska (RS) are political fight against Serbian Democratic Party (SDS)", announced SDS Headquarters and accused the president of disobeying the conclusions of RS Senate.

In yesterday's announcement in connection to the TV statement of the president Plavsic as well as her statement during the meeting of support in Kozarska Dubica, SDS Headquarters affirms that her " accusations and definitions did not have any factual background, since they were not based on findings of institutions of the system, but on voluntaristic exhibitions of her collaborators".

"There are several catastrophically uneducated and irresponsible persons around president Plavsic who convinced her that she is the authority and not that she only represents one of the institutions of the system mutually dependent and limited", says the announcement of SDS Headquarters and proceeds to evaluates Mrs. Plavsic's statement that RS is the State ruled by one party.

Announcement also states that RS President admitted that the difference between her concept of state and concepts held by other institutions was the cause of the crisis. According to the SDS Headquarters, the concept of the state was altered by Mrs. Plavsic and " failed to fulfill the expectations of voters".

"If a difference appeared in the concepts of principal institutions of the state, particularly if one institution was singled out against all others, it would be more natural to think of honorable withdrawal and resignation and not of political battle, defamation and causing the unseen damage to one's own country " states the announcement of SDS Headquarters.(end)