Perception of Bosnian Reality is Not Absolutely Horrible

Sarajevo Jul 29, 1997

Robin Cook in Sarajevo

Sarajevo,29 July, 1997(AIM) - "My message is clear. British Government supports B&H as a integral state." said British Secretary of Foreign Office, Mr. Robin Cook, on the press conference today. Cook emphasized that B&H neighbors are expected to support it, since relationships with Croatia and Yugoslavia are essential for B&H future.

However, during his conversation with members of B&H Presidency, Mr. Alija Izetbegoviå, Mr. Kreþimir Zubak and Mr.Momčilo Krajiþnik, Mr. Cook underlined that British Government is disappointed with the sluggishness of implementation of Dayton Accord. Establishment of the telecommunication system was reviewed by Mr. Cook as a minor issue when compared to the whole series of unsettled issues.

The situation is not that bad. The progress is noticeable in numerous regions, particularly in Sarajevo" said Mr. Cook and stressed that International Community is willing to help B&H, but only political leaders themselves must create stable situation on the terrain. New Europe has no place or economical prosperity for those who draw national borders. The freedom of movement is one of the first conditions, followed by reconstruction of infrastructure, uniform registration plates, currency. Human rights and freedom of speech and press are perhaps the most significant. Human rights are constantly being breached in Federation of B&H and RS, while media is being used for political propaganda and manipulation. Cook also emphasized that the media situation in Sarajevo is somewhat more acceptable, but still far from achieving international standards.

International Community will insist on arresting of the war criminals as long as all endited are not brought to justice. Financial aid will be provided only for those parties who implement Dayton Accord, while the World Bank has already stressed that it is willing to support higher priority projects.

Mr.Cook also greeted Mr. Izetbegoviå's announcement about formation of special commission which would investigate corruption in FB&H and RS. British Government is willing to help this commission and collaborate with it. Mr. Cook did not mention the sources responsible for existence of misuse of the resources intended to aid B&H. He expressed his worry with respect to misuse of specified-purpose
of these funds. Similarly, he foretold that he has he information that certain companies, known to belong to Mr.Radovan Karadzic, were financially supported from the aid specified-purpose funds.

Finally, Mr. Cook underlined that Dayton has no alternatives, Dan that all political leaders in B&H must co-operate with International Community. IC will not tolerate new escalation of violence in B&H, and the possible extenuation of the SFOR mandate has been already discussed. Mr. Cook said that if the Americans would withdraw, other countries would not extend the mission of their soldiers.

It is interesting to note that Mr. Robin Cook is the first Western high diplomat who requested to meet with the opposition or more precisely AMV B&H and then the representatives of current B&H authorities.(end)