Forestalled investigation?

Sarajevo Jul 29, 1997

Alternative Board of Ministers B&H(AMV B&H)

Sarajevo, 29 July, 1997 (AIM) - "It is odd that Mr. Alija Izetbegovic, President of Presidency reacts to the statement of Mr. Robin Cook, who resides B&H as a High Representative of European Union and British Minister of Foreign Affairs. Cook did not mention any of the "parties", but "B&H authorities", hence this statement of Mr. Izetbegovic might be rushed and it possibly forestalled the investigation. It is somewhat unusual that president of one state is not aware of the disappearance of million dollars, it is not a toy that child can lose while playing. "One gets the impression that this is rather an attempt of maneuvering" says Mr. Sejfudin Tokic, President of Alternative Board of Ministers B&H (AMV B&H) on today's press conference, adding further that he thought of completely different authorities in B&H upon hearing Mr. Cook's statement. This press conference was held immediately after the meeting of AMV delegation with Mr. Robin Cook, this being the first official meeting of this high-ranking official of EU and British Government in B&H. Although the official authorities insisted that their representative should attend the meeting, and this was not opposed my the opposition parties, Mr. Cook met AMV exclusively. On this occasion AMV only underlined its view that EU sanctions for crime in B&H can not be sanction against entire populace and all citizens. This meeting with Mr. Cook was a continuation of long-term political collaboration with Laborist Party in Great Britain. Furthermore, AMV emphasizes: "The basic aim of this visit is to bring to life judicial state, fight against crime and normalization of life in B&H. Attempts to accredit the criminal acts in B&H to one group only are absurd, since crime recognizes no nations and parties, a criminal is simply - a criminal. On the other hand, only two political structures exist today in B&H - national parties with their satellites and democratic alternative".

Mr. Miodrag ªivanoviå, AMV Vice-president and President of Social Liberal Party from Banjaluka, repeated well known views of democratic alternative that the mechanism and centers of decision- making in entire B&H are set in the form of informal groups, hence for this reason B&H is facing difficult economical as well as political situation which hinders the exit. The resources provided on the Donor Conference are politically termed, hence highly uncertain, while the sanctions resulting from the politics of three nationalistic oligarchy must not be sanctions against all populaces and citizens in entire B&H. (end)