If criminals exist, they have names!

Sarajevo Jul 29, 1997

Mr. Robin Cook visits B&H Presidency

Sarajevo, 29 July, 1997(AIM)- "We specially discussed the statement that Mr. Cook announced upon his arrival to B&H referring to apparent corruption in the top structures of B&H authority as well as the fractions of aid which end up on certain personal bank accounts. I introduced the idea of forming a commission Mr. Cook, which is to investigate eventual malversations and asked for their help because I believe that he possesses relevant information. I was rather explicit during the conversation, since I believe that if there are people having foreign bank accounts and private companies utilizing the capital funds or international aid funds, then there are names of individuals and companies, and then Mr. Cook should announce those information publicly. I do not dispute that there were no malversations, but I am convinced that it is not as substantial. After all, every country in the world is struggling against crime, and the commission which was created will get the information and announce it.", said Mr. Alija Izetbegovic, President of B&H Presidency, after the meeting with Mr. Robin Cook, High-ranking Official of European Union and British Minister of Foreign Office. Mr. Izetbegovic proceeded to say that they also discussed the operation of joint institution in B&H, the problem on war criminals, return of refugees in B&H, but nevertheless certain disputable issues in connection to political institutions of the State in B&H such as AID (Agency for Research and Documentation). (end)