Officers visit Biljana Plavþic

Sarajevo Jul 29, 1997

Banjaluka, 28 July, 1997 (AIM) - Yesterday, Ms.Biljana Plavþic, RS President, met group of RS Army Officers who finished the National Defense School in Belgrade and expressed her content with respect to successful education of military personnel.

Ms. Plavsic served Mr. Ljubomir Obradovic, First Class Officer of the National Defense School, as a sign of acknowledgment for excellent efforts and achievements.

President Plavsic emphasized that she hoped that the lecturers and instructors would enhance the defense of the country using their experience and exemplary behavior, adding that they were part of the institution which is traditionally seen as the chief support by Serbian populace.

Mr. Vinko Pandurovic, RS Army Mayor General, thanked RS President on part of RS Army Headquarters.(end)