10 percent of voters is missing

Sarajevo Jul 29, 1997

Voters' lists in Teslic

Teslic, July 29, 1997(AIM) - "Lists of voters for municipal elections in Teslic are missing 2400 registered voters, which constitutes almost 10 percent of the voters' body" announced today Mr. Zdravko Popovic, President of the Municipal Election Commission (OIK) in Teslic.

In his statement for AIM, Mr. Popovic stated that only 23.952 names were found on the voters' list, while there were 25.652 registered voters. This is explained by the change of the municipal codes, which was carried out during the registration.

According to Mr.Popovic, this particularly damaged citizens of the Vitkovci municipality and villages Jezero and Podjezera, who were given the decision of the temporary election commission to vote in the municipalities of the F B&H.

Mr. Popoviå announced that OIK Tesliå will send request for explanation of these omissions to the OSCE Regional Office.(end)