ENG:Mr.Drupa on the stat of Mr.Mijanovic

Sarajevo Jul 29, 1997

Mr. Dupor on the statement of Mr. Mijanovic

* Constitutional Court decision will be political in nature

Banjaluka, 29 July, 1997(AIM) - Mr. Milan Dupor, Legal Advisor to the RS President, stated during today's press conference: "We expect the decision of Constitutional Court to be political one and we shall ignore such a decision since the Supreme Court has already passed its decision. He explained his position using recent statement announced by Mr. Gaso Mijanovic, President of RS Constitutional Court, saying that he would take into consideration economical, political, social and all other aspects of the dispute in his work. Mr. Dupor expressed that he wondered how the court could discuss any other aspect of the dispute but the legal aspect.

Political aspect, mentioned by President of the Constitutional Court, means that "oligarchic top and group of individuals who are deciding upon the future of RS and its populace, and not only local populace, but also nations across Drina river" are to be preserved.

Commenting on this occasion on the decision of the RS Supreme Court on pressed charges by the RS Government, Mr. Dupor emphasized that the court did not proclaim itself unauthorized, as announced by RS Government, but it pronounced charges pressed by the Government inadmissible and hence passed the decision.

With respect to the Parliamentary elections, Mr. Dupor stated that it would not be possible to carry out the elections on 1st of September, and that they would be postponed. He invited political parties and other competent individuals to organize a round table debate on this topic and contribute to the fear and successful elections.(end)