Institutions under conductor's stick of the party

Sarajevo Jul 29, 1997

Ms. Plavsic on SRT

Banjaluka, 29 July,1997(AIM) - Ms. Biljana Plavþic, President of RS, reacted last night in the show on the Serbian radio TV station to the statement of President of RS Constitutional Court in which he stated that "Constitutional Court would study all legal, political, social and other implications of the dispute", assessing the statement as being rather negative and pernicious for the RS judicial system.

"Is there court which can be rightfully called a court, if it considers aspects other than the Law?" asked Ms. Plavsic. She underlined that all the incentive and lines of direction of the most important institutions in RS are coming from the highest level of SDS ( Serb Democratic Party)leadership.

"Only after my warnings in the institutions of RS and public places, that the society is corrupt, Mr. Aleksa Buha, who is executing duties of SDS President says that the RS Government is instructed to investigate this issue and press charges against corruption. Hence, before conductor's stick of the party is not raised, institutions of RS are not able to do anything", concluded Ms. Plavsic.

She evaluated results of the Donor Conference as favorable and emphasized that the funds intended for RS imply that international community estimated that RS would enter pathways of democracy.(end)