"Republika Srpska" can be satisfied

Sarajevo Jul 28, 1997

Donators Conference

Brcko, 26 July, 1997 (AIM) - "Republika Srpska (RS) can be satisfied with the results of Donator's Conference, even there is a slight shadow because of political conditions, which are obligations to the Dayton Agreement", said Mr. Stevan Stevic, RS Minister of Education and Member of RS Delegation in Brussels, adding that Serb delegation went to Brussels said with lot of caution, because they were aware of announced pressures.

"As for Brcko, we expressed our wish that this town has the same treatment as other towns, heaving in mind that Brcko is on RS territory, and it should be developed in accordance to the development of the rest of RS. If someone invests more in Brcko than in other towns, that would prove a support of certain political standings, which is not acceptable", said he, adding that RS Delegation emphasized necessity of finance of 18 projects for reconstruction and development of Brcko. (End)