Registered Parties and Independent Candidates

Sarajevo Jul 28, 1997

Herzegbosnian Canton in oncoming elections

Livno, July 28, 1997.(AIM)- These days, OSCE Regional Office in Livno has published the data on all political parties and independent candidates which registered their participation in the oncoming elections for the municipal authorities in the region of Herzegbosnian canton

Six political parties and two independent candidates registered for September elections in Livno, as follows: HDZ, H¼SP, HSP, HSS, SDP, and the Coalition for Unified and Democratic B&H which consists of SDA, Party for B&H, Civic Democratic Party B&H and B&H Liberals.

Independent candidates are Mr. Ivan Doliå and Mr. Vinko Krizan.

According to the same source, five political parties registered for participation in the upcoming elections in Tomislav Grad. These are HDZ, H¼SP, HSP, HK and Coalition for Unified and Democratic B&H.

In Kupres, four parties will participate in September elections: HDZ, HSP, HSS and Coalition for Unified and Democratic B&H.

In the region of Glamoc, HDZ, HSP, H¼SP, Joint List 97., Homeland and Coalition of Bosniak political parties lead by SDA will participate in election race.

The list of the political parties participating in the next municipal elections in Bosansko Grahovo includes: HDZ, Bosnian Party, Homeland, as well as two independent candidates of Serbian nationality, Mr. Todor Mičiå and Mr. Uroþ Jojiå.

Finally, in the sixth municipality of Herzegbosnian canton - Drvar, three political parties will appear in the oncoming elections, and these are: HDZ, Party "For Drvar" and Radical Homeland Front Nikola Paþiå. In addition, one independent candidate will appear in the elections, Mr. Slobodan Baþiå.(end)
