Unjust and unprincipled decision

Sarajevo Jul 28, 1997

Announcement of HDZ Tomislav Grad

Livno, July, 28 1997. (AIM) - In connection to the decision for the dismissal of the Cantonal Board (CB) of HDZ in the Herzegbosnian Canton by the Chairmanship of HDZ B&H from 18th of July, Municipal Board (MB) of HDZ Tomislav Grad announced that it does not accept the responsibility for not executing the political decisions of HDZ B&H.

Municipal Board (MB) of HDZ from Tomislav Grada conceives this decision to be neither just nor principled, equalizing the liability of all members of the Cantonal Board.

"We affirm that we tried to fulfill all agreements and responsibilities we took on to the best of our abilities" states the announcement of the MB of HDZ Tomislav Grad and further proposes that CB HDZ should put complaint on the decision to the President of HDZ B&H, while the Chairmanship of HDZ B&H should withdraw its decision for the dismissal of the CB HDZ for the Herzegbosnian Canton as well as all members in the CB individually. (end)