Seven years of struggle

Sarajevo Jul 28, 1997

Union of Social Democrats of B&H (UBSD)

Sarajevo, July, 28 1997. (AIM) - " Seven years of struggle against daltonism" was the title of the meeting which was held yesterday to mark the seventh anniversary of the Union of Social Democrats of B&H. In the presence of numerous guests, members, symphatizers, political " partners in the struggle" it was underlined that this party was created on the same day in 1990. as the Party of the Reformation forces as a result of the idea of Mr. Ante Markovic, President of the Federal Government of Yugoslavia at the time and the last president. Then, as well as today, the goals of this party are piece, political and economical reformation of the system and integration in Europe and the world. Today, seven years later, UBSD is the strongest opposition political party in B&H, it is parliamentary at all levels of authority and has greatest number of MPs (among opposition parties). UBSD is member of International Socialists which means international affirmation, then member of "Council of Democratic Alternative", secretly at first and later publicly collaborated with the opposition forces in RS which was " the territory controlled by Bosnian Serb rebels" during the war in B&H, came to power in Tuzla, conceived the idea of Alternative Board of Ministers which was formed in March of 1997, member of the Joint List (ZL) coalition in the general parliamentary election 1996 in B&H
as well as ZL 1997 in the upcoming elections in September and numerous other involvement's. Irrespective of the ZL disbandement and due to the similarity of political ideas with Social Democratic Party B&H, " Platform of Unification of Social Democratic Idea in B&H " was created on 26th of July which is yet to be talked about.

Using this opportunity for commencement of his election campaign, Mr. Selim Beslagic, President of the Party stated that the ideals, with which the party started its activities, are not realized, however now: " The municipal board elections should show the victory of positive forces and this is the only way which can enable Bosnia to enter democratic societies. Dayton is a bridge which can not be crossed if one makes a single step either to the left of to the right because one shall fall into an abyss, hence only unified Bosnia can enter the period of democratization. We hope that democracy and dignity shall win in September elections."

The Heads of the Lists for four Sarajevan municipalities were also introduced on this occasion: Ms. Svjetlana Fabijanc - Novo Sarajevo, Mr. Edhem Biber - Stari Grad, Mr. Fikret Music - Novi Grad and Mr. Borislav Spasojevic - Centar.(end)