Refugees return to Makljenovac and Plane

Sarajevo Jul 28, 1997

Repatriation in the Doboj region

Doboj, July 28, 1997.(AIM) - Several dozens of Bosniak families, currently living in Tesanj, in past several days have been working Intensely on restoration of their houses located in villages Makljenovac and Plane in RS. These villages are object of a dispute between the local authorities in Doboj and Tesanj in past months. The agreement was achieved recently, hence the return of refugees is to be expected soon.

206 families of refugees have already received an application for return. The representatives of UNHCR pay regular visits to these families and they did not encounter any problems so far. Citizens of Makljenovac and Plana are satisfied with the accomplished. Asphalt road which was fully neglected is cleared and clean, and rough backyard works are currently being undertaken in front of houses which welcomed their owners after more than five years.(end)