Fruitful conversation

Sarajevo Jul 28, 1997

Plavþiå - Kuznetzov meeting

Banjaluka, July, 28,1997.(AIM) - Ms. Biljana Plavþiå, President of Serb Republic (RS) met today Mr. Vladimir Kuznetzov, Political Director of the OEBS mission in B&H.

After this meeting Mr. Kuznetzov stated that the conversation about execution of Dayton Accord was highly productive, and that he got the impression that president of RS truly wishes to provide better living to the RS populace.

"I hope that the problems of RS people will be solved in the best was possible" said Mr. Kuznetzov and then further added that he personally wishes " all the best to the Serbian people in their struggle to reach successful life in peace, prosperity, democracy and collaboration".(end)