False hopes of Dayton

Sarajevo Jul 28, 1997

Social Liberal Party - RS (SLS)

Banja Luka, July 28, 1997.(AIM) - At the press conference of Social Liberal Party (SLS). Mr. Slobodan Popoviå, president of the City Council of the Party, spoke about different ways of interpretation of the Donor Conference results. "Behaviour of certain individuals with appointed political function is highly irresponsible and frivolous. They interpret results of Donor Conference wrongfully and give false hopes to the populace. We received 30percent of the resources, these are sealed in an envelope and conditioned to be opened by complete implementation of Dayton Accord", said Mr. Popovic.

SLS publicly approved the tranquilization of tensions and cessation of explosions near SFOR camp and emphasized that the tranquilization occurred after the meeting of SFOR Commander, General Crouch, and Mr. Momcilo Krajisnik, Member of B&H Presidency. SLS wonders if it was necessary for Mr. Crouch's to visit Pale and threatens them, since this preceded the tranquilization of tensions and if the tensions were necessary at all.

Mr. Ðorðe Latinoviå, President of Party Executive Council, warned them about irregularities and problems encountered by the party in the election campaign and stressed that the commencement of the election campaign is overshadowed by the latest incidents in our Republic.(end)